A Workshop for Schools to Raise Achievement Scores and Retention Rates for Urban Youth
America’s standing as a world leader and individual lives are being challenged by our country’s lack of educational achievement and investment. We must now question how long America can be a world leader, technologically advanced, a country rich with promise and economic opportunity. Across our country kids are dropping out at an alarming rate. Many urban schools are not meeting AYP/adequate yearly progress. In many areas student test scores for reading, writing, math and science are dangerously low. Approximately 47% of our youth are not graduating, not moving into positions of hope or leadership but being relegated to a continual cycle of poverty in an already oppressed economy. How long can America maintain prosperity under these conditions?

In education it is important that students not have rote memorization, but develop a passion for learning, an excitement about their future and an ability to positively contribute to society. That inner excitement begins with positive self-esteem and guidance to move forward. With innovation in education we can positively shape their lives. The classroom concept must expand in keeping with technology, working and competing within a global community. I have designed a series of lectures and workshops that motivate and facilitate student achievement.
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